Recently I gained some weight, and I don’t know what to do.. Need help!!!


I never thought that it will happen to me. I always was in a good shape, actually people were telling me, hey buddy you need to gain some weight. I always replied that I am fine as it is. I never could think even in my scariest dreams that I might turn into a fat pig. But sure enough, little by little two years ago I started to gain some weight, this January I had to change my entire wardrobe. I tried several diets, but nothing could help me so far..
Little by little I am gaining weight, I don’t know how to deal with it, and certainly I need help ! Do you know any good way to lose weight ???!!! Please share, write a comment, give tips…. Big thanks in advance ! Peace !

5 thoughts on “Recently I gained some weight, and I don’t know what to do.. Need help!!!

  1. are you taking medication? stop taking it and youll get on your normal bodyweight again

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